Control motor humano y robótico– Motor control in humans and robots

Arturo Forner-Cordero

O. Levin, A. Forner-Cordero, Y. Li, M. Ouamer, and SP. Swinnen.

On the control of cyclical arm movements: evidence for adaptive shoulder-elbow patterns across different amplitudes, frequencies and orientations

Journal of Motor Behavior (IN PRESS- EN PRENSA)

J.L. Pons, E. Rocon, A. Forner–Cordero and J. Moreno (2007)

Biomedical instrumentation based on piezoelectric ceramics

Journal of the European Ceramic Society; 27(13-15):4191-4194

Forner Cordero, A.; Levin, O.; Li, Y.; Swinnen, S.P.(2007)

Posture control and complex arm coordination: Analysis of multijoint coordinative movements and the control of stance.

 Journal of Motor Behavior ;39(3):215-26.

Forner-Cordero A.; Levin O.; Li Y.; Swinnen S. P. (2005)
Principal Component Analysis of complex multijoint coordinative movements.
Biological Cybernetics 93(1):63-78.

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Li Y.; Levin O.; Forner-Cordero A.; Swinnen S.P. (2005)
The effects of interlimb and intralimb constraints on bimanual shoulder-elbow and shoulder-wrist coordination patterns
Journal of Neurophysiology 94(3):2139-49.

Li, Y.; Levin, O.; Forner-Cordero, A; Swinnen, S.P. (2005)
Interactions between interlimb and intralimb coordination during the performance of bimanual multijoint movements.
Experimental Brain Research 163(4):515-26.

Forner-Cordero A.; Levin O.; Li Y.; Swinnen S. P. (2005)
Influence of multijoint bilateral arm coordination tasks on the control of postural stance
Gait and Posture 21 Supl. 1 S35.

Biomecánica de la marcha humana y reacción al tropiezo
Gait biomechanics and stumbling reaction

Forner-Cordero, A.; van der Helm F.C.T.; Koopman H.F.J.M. (2006)
Describing gait as a sequence of states.
Journal of Biomechanics 39(5): 948-957
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Forner-Cordero, A.; Koopman H.F.J.M; van der Helm F.C.T. (2006)
Inverse dynamics calculations during gait with restricted ground reaction forces information from pressure insoles.
Gait&Posture (23)2:189-199.
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Forner Cordero, A.; Koopman H.F.J.M; van der Helm F.C.T.(2005)
Energy analysis of human stumbling: the limitations of recovery.
Gait&Posture, 21(3): 243-254.

Moreno J.C.; Brunetti F.J., Cullell A., Forner-Cordero A.; Pons J.L. (2005)
Simulation of knee function during gait with an orthosis by means of two springs of different stiffness.
Gait and Posture 21 Supl. 1 S140.

Forner Cordero, A.; Koopman H.F.J.M; van der Helm F.C.T. (2004)
Use of pressure insoles to calculate the complete ground reaction forces.
Journal of Biomechanics, 37(9): 1427-1432.
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Forner Cordero, A.; Koopman H.F.J.M; van der Helm F.C.T. (2004)
Mechanical Model of the Recovery from Stumbling
Biological Cybernetics. 91(4) 212-22. 2004.
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Roetenberg D.; Buurke J.H.; Veltink P.H.; Forner Cordero, A.; Hermens H.J. (2003)
Surface electromyography analysis for variable gait
Gait&Posture, 18(2): 109-117.

Forner Cordero, A.; Koopman H.F.J.M; van der Helm F.C.T. (2003)
Multiple-step strategies to recover from stumbling perturbations.
Gait&Posture, 18(1): 47-59.

Biomecánica del calzado- Footwear biomechanics

Alcántara, E.; Forner, A.; Ferrus, E.; Garcia, A.C.; Ramiro, J.
Influence of age, gender and obesity on the mechanical properties of the heel pad under walking impact conditions.
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 18 (4): 345-56

Forner, A.; García-Belenguer, A.C.; Alcántara, E.; Ramiro, J.; Hoyos, J.V.; Vera, P.
Biomechanical evaluation of some shoe insert materials.
Foot & Ankle International. 16: 776-786.

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